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Senior Technician


Megan Parker outside with a dog

Senior Technician


One of my very first memories as a child is bottle feeding a small, orange kitten (who would later become mine) and his siblings. I loved that feeling & at that young age, I already knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I have since then bottle-fed countless kittens and have rescued, and loved, many four-legged creatures with the help and knowledge from my wonderful mother who also works in the veterinary field. Watching and admiring her do what she did through my childhood, only reaffirmed my desire for what I wanted to do as an adult now. I started in the boarding kennels of Central Valley Veterinary Hospital when I was fifteen. I grew up in those walls watching my mother work as a child, so the staff there already was family. I very much enjoyed working with and taking care of, the animals that were boarded there. My passion quickly grew into helping the technicians in the hospital ward of the clinic. After many years of learning from my mother, the senior technicians, and continued education classes, I was finally a technician myself at nineteen. When we transitioned into Holladay Veterinary Hospital, it felt like things only got better from there. It has expanded my knowledge in the field, my two-legged & four-legged family, and my love for working with people and their fur babies. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, being out in the sunshine, hanging out with my herd of animals, and visiting new states whenever possible.